His first mainstream success was the 1992 album "The Secret Of Pyramids", part of a trilogy which also include 1993 "At The Gates Of Love" and 1994 "Sweet Freedom". The whole Work (102 minutes) appears unified on a double CD (the first of this kind in Romania) in 1995. It follows 1996 "They Used To Call Him The Dreamer" an Album wich was concepted (like novelty for its time) exclusively using computers and synthesizers. He was the first romanian artist who believed in Computer like Musicinstrument and its facilities to promote music online (1997), the first one who released a Multimedia CD-ROM and and an Internet Project named "Free Music Online" in 1999. He was also the first one in Romania who imposed with succes a instrumental music style like mainstream despite of the non standard commercial format.
Early life, influences, first contact with rock
He raised in Bucharest. He was attracted as child to all kind of instruments and music generally. His parents noticed that, but did not encourage him along this line. When he was 16 he attended his first rock concert: Suzi Quatro 1979 Live in Bucharest. The impact was tremendous for Octave like teenager and this kind of artistic achievement - Rock - will become the landmark of his future artistic career.
The effect was one year later augmented by his 1979 encounter with "The Last Waltz", the movie of Martin Scorsese. The film presented as a farewell concert of "The Band" was percepted by him like an homage to the whole generation who in the 70's brought Rock at its height. The Atmosphere of the movie and especially the words of The Band's guitarist, Robbie Robertson, profoundly resounded in the conscientiousness of the future Octave and turns it into a sacred message to him: "Our concert is much more than a farewell concert, it is the end of an era and the beginning of another in the Rock Music. We leave to you, the today artists, our work, what we have so far created. Take care of it !"
From that moment on, Octave understands that rock means more than music, that is is a way of being, of thinking, of social behaviour, of conceiving life itself, a philosophy which by far could not accomodate what he at the time was taught in school. From then on his entire energy will focus on an only goal : TO ROCK!
In 1982 he was drafted. He took along his guitar. Rigid military rules and the lack of freedom added to his determination and to the despair of his superiors he showed his preference for his guitar instead of the Kalashnikov guns. Unfortunately, he could play only in the laundry room, dreaming of "Sweet Freedom" and the day when he would come back home and would create his own band. That day came in June '83.
Afterwards he became a student at the Bucharest Institute of Buildings, but this kind of education was not for him. Two years later he left the school and decided to become a professional musician.
In November 1985 he founded his first group and play only in small clubs Soft Rock bearing influences from bands like Eagles or Dire Straits. After a short time the group desintegrated and from now on he activated under the name of Octave.
After the Romanian Revolution in December 1989 he is dedicated to instrumental music only, her major Ideea beeing to compose a Rock Opera: The Octave Trilogy. In June 1992 the first contract with the Electrecord Label for the first part of the Trilogy was signed. On August 27 the same year, the album "The Secret of Pyramids" was released. The huge succes surprise the pubic opinion and critic and without hear the material, the Label decide to give Octave free hand for the rest of the trilogy.
It follows on 3 December 1993 the launching of the second part: the LP "At The Gates Of Love" wich was preceded on 16 September 1993 from the single extract "There Is One More Step To Climb".
The last part of the Trilogy "Sweet Freedom" was released on September 15 year 1994. All of the third Parts were reunited on a double CD named Octave and launched in 1995 March 24. By the pressconference ocassioned from the launching of the double CD, Octave presents public like demo a material extracted from his next album. The General Manager from Electrecord Label offers him out of hand by this event the contract for the next album.
After a pause of 2 years (used to technically renewed his own studio with digital equipment and researched the domain of computers and internet) he launched in 1996 November 20 the Album "They Used To Call Him The Dreamer" under the Logo "Only Computers And Synthesizers" released on CD.
Octave is his own manager and he proved excellent qualities in this work. Although the sophisticated instrumental format wasn't concepted to be commercial, the fresh and innovative sound make the music became quickly mainstream and was everywhere to here on Radio and TV Stations. The suffrages of the public and media assign to his music qualities like : melodic, harmonic, complex, nonstandard, spacey, positive energy, brightness, sidereal, from an other world, futuristic and also classic, passionate, courageous, impulse to explore, freshness, spherical, provocative, contemplative.
Each Octave Album has a story. On the cover is a storyboard wich is a concept constructed from the names of the songs and philosophical ideeas around generous themes like: harmony, peace, spiritual purifying, freedom. Virtual worlds, Science Fiction scenarios, idealism to the frontier with utopianism, aspiration to perfectionism, supreme sacrifice, mythology, romantism, precepts with quality of social manifest are usual conglomerates of Octave Universe, material for his complex musical constructions.
Already 1996 he was the first romanian artist in Internet. Due technical limitations of the time the web pages contented only information as text and pictures. But his intuition maked him strongly believe that this medium will be the future for music distribution in digital format too. Formats like Mp3, MPEG were news at this time. He decided to prepare him for a new courageous step. So it was born the ideea of the project "Free Music Online". He started the project in 1998.
On 1999 April 15 he launched the CD-ROM "www.octave.ro Free Music Online" wich include the whole activity of the artist in multimedia format: all the musical material from his albums in MP3, videoclips in MPEG, hundreds of photos from the artist's career, biographical references, the albums stories, literary scenarios of his videoclips, scripts, his own philosophical concepts of music and art in general, all of these in four linguistic versions: Romanian, English, French, Italian, German.
It also included scanned selections from papers, magazines (chronics and interviews 1991-1998), letters from the fans. He intented a total movement into Multimedia, to move the auditory's attention to this mediatisation field, specific to the end of the millenium. From that point on, Octave wanted to be found anywhere but by Internet.
The CD-ROM was a hybrid one. There were presented like bonus two tracks from a forthcoming album "The Only One" wich was never released.
Because of the low acceptance of the romanian public at those times regarding the internet, the whole project fails and remained unreleased but retrospectively looked, it was an important step for the ones who full used this new communication form later. His project was an open door to the future.
The CD-ROM contained a text written by Octave called "Multimedia Pleading" which proved now looking back the novelty spirit of his ideeas. And extract from this text:
"It is a new field, which is born nowadays, and we would define pretty clear its final forms not far than the following years. For a better understanding of Multimedia phenomenon let's extrapolate the things through artistic field. Imagine, for instance, that in near future you will not be able listening to the music without watching pictures or reading a story, all three of them having a common concept and being in a closer interdependence. It is like you are a musician, a painter and a poet in the same time; a sort of Leonardo DaVinci." (Octavian Teodorescu alias Octave 1998)
Studio Albums
1992 - The Secret Of Pyramids (August 27) LP Vinyl Electrecord Label ST-EDE 04168
1993 - At The Gates Of Love (December 03) LP Vinyl Electrecord Label EDE 04287
1994 - Sweet Freedom (September 15) LP Vinyl Electrecord Label EDE 04324
1995 - Octave Trilogy (March 24) 2CD Electrecord Label ELCD 153
1996 - They Used To Call Him The Dreamer (November 20) Electrecord Label EDC 200
1999 - The Only One (unfinished - 2 tracks available on the hybrid CD-ROM) Electrecord Label CD-ROM-OCT
1993 - There Is One More Step To Climb (September 16) Vinyl Electrecord EDC 10803 (extract from the LP: At The Gates Of Love)
1999 - www.octave.ro Free Music Online (April 15) Electrecord Label CD-ROM-OCT
Considerations about the artistic orientation
One of his main merit is to join succesfully totally divergent musical styles from classic to modern. His music breaks the frontiers between the styles, melt them using his own "chemical formels" and presents as result a fresh coherent sonorous alloy. He don't created bridges between the styles like other fussion artists. He synthesizes them in a new independent solid element with its own properties. The virtual aspect of such a product fit perfect in a Science Fiction Atmosphere where nothing is real but can be a credible start point to be real. He's not a fussion artist rather a visionary one.
He's music brings you inherent to the future, have something in common with the specific courage of the pioneerdom, it's like a mystic discreet guide who make you breathe for a while out of this time and space without losing the control with the ground. It's terestrial and extraterestrial too. Human beeings live in harmony with the aliens. An old conservative classic orchestra join long hair rock guitarists who play wild Riffs on their loud Marshalls and from back they are technically assisted with psychedelic and precise sequences of some robots magicians of sound from a future world. In an abstract language: Octavian Teodorescu Octave is a Cosmic Electrockestra.
Biographical Sources
Cotidianul - Newspaper 1996-12-14 Article: Octave and a single philosophy - Rock

Jurnalul de București - Newspaper 1997-07-12 Article: Score XX Century Octave - Octavian Teodorescu One of the most prolific composer of the new wave (Author: Rocker)

Destine Adevărate - Magazine 1998-04-01 & 1998-05-01 Article: Octave an artist under control (Author: Marian Deaconu)

Poster McDonalds Action 1997
Un star al scenei rock - Octave te așteaptă în culisele McDonald's Romană. Vino și tu: vei avea o surpriză !
I se spunea Visătorul. Are 34 de ani, 4 albume apărute în ultimul "cincinal", cânta la orice și se călăuzește în viață după conceptul "Motoare, Femei, Computere".
Deși pasiunea sa declarată este rockul, Octavian Teodorescu nu s-a limitat la simpla ipostază de chitarist rock (plete, bere, dezmăț), crezând cu ardoare că lumea e plină de instrumentiști buni, dar duce mare lipsă de muzicieni compleți.
Astfel încat și-a adunat jucăriile (instrumente, studio, calculatoare) și-a pus mintea și sufletul la contribuție și a dat naștere unui concept muzical cu totul nou pe plaiurile noastre - OCTAVE: o fuziune între rock, muzică simfonică și muzică electronică.
Primul album rezultat din această combinație s-a numit "Secretul Piramidelor" (LP - 1992) și a constituit o intrare în forța pe piața muzicii românești și un argument care i-a atras lui Octav zeci de mii de fani în toată țara.
Au urmat alte două discuri: "La Porțile Iubirii" (LP - 1993) și "Dulce Libertate (LP - 1994), legate de primul printr-o concepție unitară și printr-un erou central în spatele căruia îl zărim întotdeauna pe Octav. Idealist, generos, ambițios, perfecționist, micul Prometeu care animă albumele semnate Octave încearcă același lucru în muzică și în viață: să aducă oamenilor bucurie, frumusețe și adevăr.
Cel mai recent material discografic poartă titlul "I Se Spunea Visătorul". În premieră, Octav a renunțat definitiv la chitări, lucrând întregul CD pe calculator. Și visul Visătorului s-a concretizat într-un disc de o calitate muzicală și tehnică ireproșabilă.
Încadrat de cele doua show-uri Ronald McDonald, Octavian Teodorescu vă așteaptă la Restaurantul McDonald's Romană.

Rock Pop Folk Remix - Dictionary
Pagina 408 Octave Octav Teodorescu (Autori: Daniela Caraman Fotea, Cristi Nicolau)
Editura Humanitas ISBN 973-50-0355-4 ISBN 973-8289-18-1 An apariție: 2003
Octave ([Octavian Teodorescu], 29 Ianuarie, 1963, București) - instrumentist (chitară, keyboards), compozitor din România.
În 1985 înființează primul grup rock numit Vis, sub influența The Eagles și Dire Straits; După o serie de recitaluri, concerte prin cluburi și case de cultură, în 1988 trupa se desființează. De aici inainte artistul va evolua sub numele Octave. După 1990 se dedică în exclusivitate muzicii instrumentale, ideea sa majoră fiind compunerea unei opere rock - trilogia Octave; la 27 August 1992 este lansat primul disc al seriei, Secretul Piramidelor. Un an mai târziu apare cel de-al doilea, La Porțile Iubirii, precedat de extrasul pe single Mai e de urcat o treaptă. La 15 Septembrie 1994 este pus în circulație Dulce Libertate, finalul trilogiei, editatat integral și pe un dublu CD (prima ediție de acest gen din România). La 20 Noiembrie apare discul I Se Spunea Visătorul, realizat integral pe sintetizatoare. Lucrările lui Octave au fost subiectul unor videoclipuri; Adio (1996) s-a bucurat de o largă audiență. Muzica artistului este construită in jurul unor teme generoase: pace, armonie, purificare spirituală. Cele patru albume, piese noi, materiale publicitare (în patru limbi de circulație internațională) sunt editate pe Free Music Online www.octave.ro, CD-ROM Multimedia. In 2001 artistul se stabilește în Germania.
Secretul Piramidelor (1992); La Porțile Iubirii (1993); Dulce Libertate (1994); I Se Spunea Visătorul (1996)
One of his main merit is to join succesfully totally divergent musical styles from classic to modern. His music breaks the frontiers between the styles, melt them using his own "chemical formels" and presents as result a fresh coherent sonorous alloy. He don't created bridges between the styles like other fussion artists. He synthesizes them in a new independent solid element with its own properties. The virtual aspect of such a product fit perfect in a Science Fiction Atmosphere where nothing is real but can be a credible start point to be real. He's not a fussion artist rather a visionary one.
He's music brings you inherent to the future, have something in common with the specific courage of the pioneerdom, it's like a mystic discreet guide who make you breathe for a while out of this time and space without losing the control with the ground. It's terestrial and extraterestrial too. Human beeings live in harmony with the aliens. An old conservative classic orchestra join long hair rock guitarists who play wild Riffs on their loud Marshalls and from back they are technically assisted with psychedelic and precise sequences of some robots magicians of sound from a future world. In an abstract language: Octavian Teodorescu Octave is a Cosmic Electrockestra.
Biographical Sources
Cotidianul - Newspaper 1996-12-14 Article: Octave and a single philosophy - Rock

Jurnalul de București - Newspaper 1997-07-12 Article: Score XX Century Octave - Octavian Teodorescu One of the most prolific composer of the new wave (Author: Rocker)

Destine Adevărate - Magazine 1998-04-01 & 1998-05-01 Article: Octave an artist under control (Author: Marian Deaconu)

Poster McDonalds Action 1997
Un star al scenei rock - Octave te așteaptă în culisele McDonald's Romană. Vino și tu: vei avea o surpriză !
I se spunea Visătorul. Are 34 de ani, 4 albume apărute în ultimul "cincinal", cânta la orice și se călăuzește în viață după conceptul "Motoare, Femei, Computere".
Deși pasiunea sa declarată este rockul, Octavian Teodorescu nu s-a limitat la simpla ipostază de chitarist rock (plete, bere, dezmăț), crezând cu ardoare că lumea e plină de instrumentiști buni, dar duce mare lipsă de muzicieni compleți.
Astfel încat și-a adunat jucăriile (instrumente, studio, calculatoare) și-a pus mintea și sufletul la contribuție și a dat naștere unui concept muzical cu totul nou pe plaiurile noastre - OCTAVE: o fuziune între rock, muzică simfonică și muzică electronică.
Primul album rezultat din această combinație s-a numit "Secretul Piramidelor" (LP - 1992) și a constituit o intrare în forța pe piața muzicii românești și un argument care i-a atras lui Octav zeci de mii de fani în toată țara.
Au urmat alte două discuri: "La Porțile Iubirii" (LP - 1993) și "Dulce Libertate (LP - 1994), legate de primul printr-o concepție unitară și printr-un erou central în spatele căruia îl zărim întotdeauna pe Octav. Idealist, generos, ambițios, perfecționist, micul Prometeu care animă albumele semnate Octave încearcă același lucru în muzică și în viață: să aducă oamenilor bucurie, frumusețe și adevăr.
Cel mai recent material discografic poartă titlul "I Se Spunea Visătorul". În premieră, Octav a renunțat definitiv la chitări, lucrând întregul CD pe calculator. Și visul Visătorului s-a concretizat într-un disc de o calitate muzicală și tehnică ireproșabilă.
Încadrat de cele doua show-uri Ronald McDonald, Octavian Teodorescu vă așteaptă la Restaurantul McDonald's Romană.

Rock Pop Folk Remix - Dictionary
Pagina 408 Octave Octav Teodorescu (Autori: Daniela Caraman Fotea, Cristi Nicolau)
Editura Humanitas ISBN 973-50-0355-4 ISBN 973-8289-18-1 An apariție: 2003
Octave ([Octavian Teodorescu], 29 Ianuarie, 1963, București) - instrumentist (chitară, keyboards), compozitor din România.
În 1985 înființează primul grup rock numit Vis, sub influența The Eagles și Dire Straits; După o serie de recitaluri, concerte prin cluburi și case de cultură, în 1988 trupa se desființează. De aici inainte artistul va evolua sub numele Octave. După 1990 se dedică în exclusivitate muzicii instrumentale, ideea sa majoră fiind compunerea unei opere rock - trilogia Octave; la 27 August 1992 este lansat primul disc al seriei, Secretul Piramidelor. Un an mai târziu apare cel de-al doilea, La Porțile Iubirii, precedat de extrasul pe single Mai e de urcat o treaptă. La 15 Septembrie 1994 este pus în circulație Dulce Libertate, finalul trilogiei, editatat integral și pe un dublu CD (prima ediție de acest gen din România). La 20 Noiembrie apare discul I Se Spunea Visătorul, realizat integral pe sintetizatoare. Lucrările lui Octave au fost subiectul unor videoclipuri; Adio (1996) s-a bucurat de o largă audiență. Muzica artistului este construită in jurul unor teme generoase: pace, armonie, purificare spirituală. Cele patru albume, piese noi, materiale publicitare (în patru limbi de circulație internațională) sunt editate pe Free Music Online www.octave.ro, CD-ROM Multimedia. In 2001 artistul se stabilește în Germania.
Secretul Piramidelor (1992); La Porțile Iubirii (1993); Dulce Libertate (1994); I Se Spunea Visătorul (1996)