Rock is a very positive kind of manifestation, a song from the heart, an eternal source of energy that makes everyone vibrate together, that fills hearts with confidence in their own power, in justice, truth, love. We aren't so far from the age of the glory of rock, the 70's when a whole generation tried to change the world by means of this music: "Make love not war" was their desire. They are the ones to whom today people must prove their labour wasn't of no good, that they weren't the dreamers of wich John Lennon's "Imagine" spoke. For him, for the words of his song, for those who believed in these words we must preserve the message of their music and today people should give it to the future people. Maybe they will be happier and won't experience war, polution, rasism, hate. Rock, one of the few good heritages that can be left, will help them escape these nightmares.
Octavian Teodorescu - OCTAVE

1995_Poster 2 Octave Double CD
Rock means to me something more than a feeling. My whole life is this music. More and more I find myself in each riff of my guitar, in each sound of a drum, in each line of rock music. I can't foresee myself other than my hair blowing in the wind, wearing legendary blue jeans, breathing a hundred per cent rock forever. Rock is the air for me, the light of my ever waken spirit, the flower of my wildest dreams. I believe in rock and its marvels more than in anything else. I consider myself the biggest infatuated of rock music. This love is the one that brought to light this record.
Octavian Teodorescu - OCTAVE
1997_Poster McDonalds Action
Un star al scenei rock - Octave te asteapta in culisele McDonald's Romana. Vino si tu: vei avea o surpriza !
I se spunea Visatorul. Are 34 de ani, 4 albume aparute in ultimul "cincinal", canta la orice si se calauzeste in viata dupa conceptul "Motoare, Femei, Computere".
Desi pasiunea sa declarata este rockul, Octavian Teodorescu nu s-a limitat la simpla ipostaza de chitarist rock (plete, bere, dezmat), crezand cu ardoare ca lumea e plina de instrumentisti buni, dar duce mare lipsa de muzicieni completi.
Astfel incat si-a adunat jucariile (instrumente, studio, calculatoare) si-a pus mintea si sufletul la contributie si a dat nastere unui concept muzical cu totul nou pe plaiurile noastre - OCTAVE: o fuziune intre rock, muzica simfonica si muzica electronica.
Primul album rezultat din aceasta combinatie s-a numit "Secretul Piramidelor" (LP - 1992) si a constituit o intrare in forta pe piata muzicii romanesti si un argument care i-a atras lui Octav zeci de mii de fani in toata tara.
Au urmat alte doua discuri: "La portile iubirii" (LP - 1993) si "Dulce Libertate (LP - 1994), legate de primul printr-o conceptie unitara si printr-un erou central in spatele caruia il zarim intotdeauna pe Octav. Idealist, generos, ambitios, perfectionist, micul Prometeu care anima albumele semntate Octave incearca acelasi lucru in muzica si in viata: sa aduca oamenilor bucurie, frumusete si adevar.
Cel mai recent material discografic poarta titlul "I Se Spunea Visatorul". In premiera, Octav a renuntat definitiv la chitari, lucrand intregul CD pe calculator. Si visul Visatorului s-a concretizat intr-un disc de o caliatate muzicala si tehnica ireprosabila.
Incadrat de cele doua show-uri Ronald McDonald, Octavian Teodorescu va asteapta la Restaurantul McDonald's Romana.
Posters Launching They Used To Call Him The Dreamer 1996
Poster Popcorn Magazine 1995

Poster Salut Magazine 1995
Poster Azi Newspaper 1992

Poster Cotidianul Newspaper 1994
Poster Cotidianul Newspaper 1995
Poster Cotidianul Newspaper 1996
Poster Promotion Free Music Online Project 1999
Folder Promotion Free Music Online Project 1999
Octave Multimedia Pleading CD-ROM & Folder Poster Free Music Online Project 1999
Octavian Teodorescu, known by Romanian music admirers under the artistic pseudonym OCTAVE, presents the next event: the launching of the CD-ROM named " - Free music online" wich contains:
- all the musical material from his four albums: "The Secret of Pyramids" (1992), "At the Gates of Love" (1993), "Sweet Freedom" (1994), "They Used to Call Him the Dreamer" (1996) meaning 28 tracks, up to 150 minutes of music in MP3 format
- videoclips in MPEG1 format - hundreds of photos from the artist's videoclips and his professional events - biographical references, the albums stories, literary scenarios of his video clips, scripts, his own philosophical concepts of music and art in general, all of these in four linguistic versions: Romanian, English, French, Italian, German.
- Scanned selections from papers and magazines concerning Octave, between 1991-1998 (romanian only - chronics and interviews)
Octave is playing an instrumental form of music, which is called "Electronic Symphonic Rock Music". You can find more details about who Octave is and what he can do, in his web page from Internet at this address: You will find here monthly free musical news and daily informations about the artist's activity. By this CD-ROM
Octave wants to point his intention to partially quit the classical forms of music mediatisation: radio, TV, press. He intents a total movement into Multimedia. From now on, Octave cannot be found anywhere but by Internet. This strategy intends to move the auditory's attention to this mediatisation field, specific to the end of this millenium. The professionals think the Multimedia system will let behind all the traditional (classical) forms of mediatisation not far from two years from now. The informational shock is so big and the things run so fast that only a few of us become conscious that nowadays high-tech computer is cheaper than a TV-set. The difference consists in the multiple things (operations) you can do using a computer and cannot do on a TV-set. High quality video and audio files in Internet are a certitude and the improvement is from month to month. It is for sure that in the near future we could watch (on Internet) any TV network, listen to any Radio network or read any newspaper or magazine wherever in the world by Internet. The three classical Mass-Media forms become one, more complex : Multimedia.
It is a new field, which is born nowadays, and we would define pretty clear its final forms not far than the following years. For a better understanding of Multimedia phenomenon let's extrapolate the things through artistic field. Imagine, for instance, that in near future you will not be able listening to the music without watching pictures or reading a story, all three of them having a common concept and being in a closer interdependence. It is like you are a musician, a painter and a poet in the same time; a sort of Leonardo DaVinci. Obviously, not everybody could be Leonardo DaVinci, but there could be some groups of artists which meet the same views and so they could do such a symbiosis.
The main idea is the phenomenon is very complex and it has a great future. For instance: you are at home and you want to know the subjects in a magazine. All you have to do is to access the web file in Internet. Maybe you don't want to read the magazine on the screen. So, you turn on the sound and you hear it read by a synthetic voice. If you want to see some images, you only watch the screen and you can see even more: moving pictures where you can step in, revival or skip some passages. It won't happen like now when you are forced to stay in front of the TV in order to see the news program at a certain hour. You can watch them whenever and as many times as you want. Those who want to handle a piece of paper for an informational purpose could only press "print" and they can print the information or the pictures in any number of copies (if the copies would be necessary) because everybody will do the same thing using the personal computer.
Remember the deep impact the Radio had upon the written press or the impact the TV had on the Radio or on the newspaper. The three mass-media forms still coexist, but the TV prevails by the audience. The new born, Multimedia will swallow the former three because it includes all their advantages and it has many extra things which belong to the possibility of the quantitative store of the information. All this pleading has been done for a better understanding of Octave's strategic movement's reasons.
Especially for Romania, the actual moment is unique to penetrate through the large window of a world which is called Internet-Multimedia. Not in a far future and that is nearly two years (the most waiting and the most controversial year 2000) it will be very difficult to penetrate this area without efforts and enormous financial investments. Just think about how much informational materials is there in the world and how many people wants to undertake it, to let it be known. It will be an informational cobweb and many people won't handle it. For those who don't get in now it will be very difficult, almost impossible to penetrate the large ocean which is called Multimedia. There will be many people saying: "Well, but it will take longer for Romania". Just remember there aren't two years since the mobile telephony GSM gets in Romania. It was hard to believe that in 1998 everybody in Romania will be dependent on the mobile phone and most of the Romanians could afford a mobile phone. Take this example: one single satellite coupling was enough for everybody to derive advantage from GSM. That's how the things will go on in Multimedia. In fact this is the next step. We could see each other and talk to everybody in real time paying only an ordinary bill. Internet-Multimedia intends to include the telecommunication field. Such a society becomes very dynamic. The things will succeed rapidly. Those who cannot handle the situation and have a skeptic, conservative attitudem, will not be able to find their place in such a society.
The Multimedia phenomenon has the great quality of being interactive. If until now, the public could be manipulated because of the barrier imposed by the TV screen (you had lied the people by TV), now not only those behind the screen will rule the roost. Everybody should retort to what they see or hear. Everybody should access any information source to verify it. Everybody (to be more suggestive) could have his proper TV, Radio or newspaper if he wants. Those having something to say will not depend on a specific Mass-Media form. Those who are in charge of mediatisation of the information will assume the whole responsibility for any non-truth. The audience can be now more selective. On pick up only what we need, what we like. It is clear that a new value scale appears. The profound changes of human behavior start because of it. Those who aren't receptive and cannot communicate will isolate themselves; they could not be a part of the new social climate, dominated by the communication's imperative.
Many people would say: "Well, what is this? Is this the end of the world? ". Yes, indeed, two thousand-year is coming and this is a sort of an end; is the end of a narrow-minded, this is the end of the non-communication period. Just think about how many geographical, linguistic, cultural, religious, political system limits will be ignored by the end of this mentality. The general idea we move on is of an "Universal Village" of "No Frontiers". Just think about the new face of the trade, of economy, for people who know everything about prices all over the world. How enormous will be the competition for price/quality statement.
This is the right moment for you to be known and to get into competition. Those, who got in before, will be far away and it will be difficult for you to be in their position. So, connect yourself to the network.
All of these were said by Octavian Teodorescu alias OCTAVE in the year 1998. I said so !